Personal Training to Achieve Sporting Goals

Personal Training to Achieve Sporting Goals

As a keen sportsman who plays cricket at a high level and skis several times per year, I know how important strength and fitness is to help you enjoy your chosen sports even more. I specialise in developing strength and conditioning programmes to help people get more out of sport, whether they simply play occasionally for fun, or are chasing achievement at an elite level. 


By working with a personal trainer, your time in the gym will be more enjoyable. You’ll be motivated to attend the sessions and I ensure that training never becomes boring or a chore. I will vary the sessions with different exercises and use of supersets, trisets and drop sets to ensure every session is different and challenging.


As you build greater strength and fitness, you will find sport more enjoyable, no matter the level at which you play. Book a free taster session today to find out how I can help you get more out of your sport.

Thanks to Steve Parker for the photo – image copyright is owned by him.